The 2015 SAIF MF China Youth Leadership Finance Summit was open for application. SAIF MF China Youth Leadership Finance Summit is conducted by Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) Master of Finance (MF) program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the summit aims to provide an interaction and learning platform for outstanding undergraduate students from mainland China, Taiwan, HongKong and Singapore, as well as to cultivate their leadership, communication and organizational skills. At the same time, students will have the opportunities to network with industry leaders face to face.

2015 SAIF MF 中国青年领袖金融高峰会报名正式开启,本届峰会将延续精彩、再创佳话!SAIF MF 中国青年领袖金融高峰会由上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士(MF)项目举办,旨在为中国大陆、港澳台及大中华区各高校的学子们搭建一个相互学习、共同进步的平台,培养学生们的领导力、沟通能力和组织能力,同时也让本科生们有机会与行业领军人物现场对话,并在各大媒体上展露风采。

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Professionalism Development


Social Responsibility


Coffee Hour


Special Thanksgiving Day

On Nov 5th, Norman Yan continued his lecture on personal positioning for career advancement for SAIF MF students. This lecture focused on how to tell a good story and present our strengths in an effective way, which is very important for our career success.

11月5日,Norman Yan先生继续向我们分享他关于职业发展与自我定位的经验。首先,Norman让几位同学们分享了自己的故事,并向大家展示如何从热情、价值、优势等方面入手,更加量化地在面试中展示自己。他还通过一系列有趣的思维实验,让大家认识到化繁为简的重要性及思维的潜力。

In the afternoon of Nov 26th, SAIF MF invited Alan Qiu, a Senior lecturer at SAIF who used to work in Wall Street to give us a wonderful lecture about the acquisition case of Hilton Group by Blackstone.


11月26日下午,来自华尔街的Alan QIU为SAIF MF同学分享了关于Blackstone杠杆收购Hilton Group的商业案例。这场收购也是整个私募股权市场历史中利润最大的一次。Alan QIU从收购缘起至最终结果影响的全过程为大家细致讲解与分析,并引导同学们参与到对案例的讨论研究中。

On Nov 27th, the second Coffee Hour was successfully held. MF program was very honored to invite professor Hong Chen and professor Jun Qian as the guests. They discussed hot issues like how to choose a career, the future of analysts and the study of mathematics.

2014年11月27日,SAIF 2014 级金融硕士的第二次Coffee Hour成功举办,在本次活动中,陈宏教授和钱军教授与同学们深入交流了职业选择、分析师的职业前景及如何学好数学的问题,为同学们解答了很多求职方面的疑惑。


On Nov 27th, the SAIF MF students had a different and meaningful Thanksgiving day. They organized donation for the disabled kids and orphans of "Baby's Home" in Shanghai on the campus of SJTU. SAIF MF students gave their thanks to every donator and delivered this bless to Baby's Home.

11月27日,SAIF MF 同学度过了一个特殊的感恩节。他们行走在上海交大的校园中,为上海宝贝之家的残障儿童们开展了募捐活动。路人们有的驻足询问,有的则慷慨解囊,SAIF MF学生向他们一一表示感谢,并将这份感恩的情谊也带到宝贝之家的儿童心中。


四位SAIF MF校友荣登“2014卖方分析师水晶球奖”榜单

Four SAIF MF alumni won "The Eighth Crystall Ball Awards For Chinese Sell-Side Analysts"

"The Eighth Crystall Ball Awards For Chinese Sell-Side Analysts" award ceremony was held on Nov 16th. 7 SAIF alumni won the awards, 4 out of the 7 SAIF alumni are Master of Finance alumni, they are Hao Guo, Chunfeng Huang, Weiyin Tu and Yu Zhou, all of them are from SAIF MF Class 2009. SAIF MF program congratulates all of them on their achievements and wish them success in their future career.



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@上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院