发布时间:2019-09-26 浏览次数:6718次

飒爽金秋,SAIF MF 19级新生前来报到,11国新生齐聚首,金融&金融科技方向齐亮相!

MF项目延续国际化和高颜值两大特色,迎来了来自中国、美国、英国、德国、法国、西班牙、意大利、瑞典、秘鲁、日本和泰国……等全球各地的86名MF2019级新生,其中还包括了首批MF项目金融科技方向的29名同学们。对于即将开始的SAIF MF 两年学习旅程,他们都有哪些感受&期待?


MF 19


I'm very excited to be here in Shanghai, and to be attending in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in SAIF, with all of the others. My expectations for the next two years is it's gonna be a lot of hard work, sleep late at night for studying, but also it probably be the most fun time in my life.

Roger Sole Camats

MF 19


I just got here and I'm very excited about it. I've already met every one and they are very nice. Honestly my expectations for the coming years are, first of all, I wanna learn Chinese because everything is in Chinese when I'm in China. I'm eager to learn how everything works in here, to see and to learn everything.

Robin Clamens

MF 19


I really want to meet everyone in the class, to talk to new people from different background and from different cultures. We have already started doing that by the day before registration. It was very interesting to meet different people. The school looks quite amazing actually, great facilities and staffs are available. Everything is quite clear and easy to understand. Hope the class will be very interesting and we will get used to study and here and make the most to enjoy our new semesters and new life in China.

崔   赟

MF 19


As a student of cross-discipline, I’m quite looking forward to courses here. I would like to gain more understanding of finance here.

范 迎 雪

MF 19


It's such an honor to be part of SAIF. I can feel all the professors, the teachers all their whole heart on students, and they give us a lot of guidence about academic and vocation even before we entering school. I'm so looking forward to my life here, and so looking forward to knowing and meeting my excellent classmates and the best professors. I'm sure I will learn a lot from them.

William Haas

MF 19


I'm really excited to meet the whole class consists of both international and chinese students. Everyone has a really interesing profile. Should be exciting to get to know each other. I'm really excited to go ahead and make the most out of SAIF, because it seems to be super lovely and that the staffs are amazing. Just try to make the most of every opportunities we have here.

Nathan Jeong

MF 19


I'm very happy to be here. I didn’t realize how much of international atmophere SAIF is. On the registration day I met a lot my fellow classmates and the upper class. It's kind like a whole family. Really looking forward to enjoying the journey here.

林 雨 萌

MF 19


In the years to come, I want to get good offers, make new friends and learn in-depth.

Jonas Markus

MF 19


I won't say too much on the first day for the expectations in case any bad things happen later. The first year is going to be really hard but I have to go through. I wanna be better at quantitative part, programming and Chinese.

綦  航

MF19- FinTech Track


SAIF MF 从大一开始就是我的梦想。It has been my dream for 4 years. 大一了解到学院,非常憧憬。大二大三认识到我以后想做量化的方向,想走到FinTech的路子上来,而大三时MF-FinTech track正好开始招生了,也越来越重视这方面人才的培养。它可以成为我未来实现梦想中的小目标。成为SAIFer能帮助我更好地实现我的梦想。

宋 迪 凡

MF 19


其实来到高金最期待的就是想上非常非常硬核的课。就像夏令营时杨琳老师说的,“如果你只是想获得一个硕士学位,不用来高金。但是来到这里就希望大家重视该做的事情。” 所以我知道高金一直对课程是非常重视的,也有非常优秀的教授来讲课。研究生期间想继续履行好学生的职责,也希望在这些课程中能学习到更多深入的知识,能在某些话题上学习到能和世界上最聪明的人交流的境界。

吴 健

MF19-FinTech Track


I think the campus is very beautiful. It's very exciting to meet so many lovely guys. I can't wait to explore and experience my life at SAIF. About my plan for the next two years, first of all, I want to study hard. I really hope I can settle down and do some research projects. I'm ready to further explore more interesting fields in the next two years. Second thing, I want to make friends with so many lovely, kind and intelligent classmates. Last one, I want to make full use of my time and to be a more reliable, flexible and technical person.

肖 韦 俐

MF 19


第一个心愿就是在研究生阶段找到一个男朋友,否则要被妈妈念了。第二个心愿就是吃遍所有的食堂和所有的菜品,可能这是第一个心愿没有达成的原因。刚来到上海遇到大台风,觉得上海好潮湿啊,床、窗户、门和地板都要长蘑菇了。 关于orientation week本来以为逛逛超市这样轻松愉快的一周,没想到安排如此充实丰富。这也反映出高金是一个非常solid的学院。 希望能在接下来的两年里和所有的同学们好好相处、天天开心,希望所有同学都前程似锦。

查 玥

MF19-FinTech Track



张 亚 智

MF19-FinTech Track


I'm very excited to come and study at SAIF. It's really a dream come true. Prior to registration, I have already attended several SAIF activities from which I have all tons of take-aways and they are very meaningful. Starting from today, I expect myself to keep strengthening my hard skills, and get more fimiliar with the financial markets. I also anticipate making more friends. with them I hope we can get better together. Although a typhoon came on the registration day, I can really feel the passionate and enthusiasim of the faculty and teachers here, and I'm touched. I'm willing to work harder and keep driven myself.



